One of the hardest things about starting a group like Womenspace is outreach.
The original strategy was to add women friends and hope that they would get on board and invite others to join. This organic growth has stalled and engagement has been slow, because many women already have a full social calendar, hobbies, work or family commitments.
The concept was to provide a forum for women to share their wisdom, support each other and connect to enjoy companionship and a range of activities.
The website is to inform women about the group, our philosophy and mission and to promote events.
The Facebook page is a closed group where information can be shared and events promoted, it was created to avoid having to send or receive lots of emails. The purpose of the Facebook page is not to gather clicks and likes, it’s about engagement and respectful discussion.
Members are welcome to add new people, but the new person will need to engage by answering a couple of questions before their application is approved. Anyone found to be using the page for MLM or selling products or services will be deleted.
Recently a post was made on NABO that resulted in 5 new members who live in and around the Como, South Perth area. We’ve already enjoyed a number of coffee catch ups, a trip to see Legally Blonde the Musical, a few movies and dinners, and more events are planned.
Women who join the circle are encouraged to talk about their passions, whether that is volunteering, yoga, Appalachian clog dancing, walking the dog or other hobbies. Members are encouraged to take the initiative and organise events, outings or get-togethers. It’s about sharing, supporting and connecting.
If you think you would like to belong, please get in touch by email. womenspace.perth@gmail.com